
Which Post Office branch in the UK facilitates immigration biometrics?


There are many people keeps calling us at our immigration law firm asking which Post Office has facility to enroll their biometric information to comply with the directives of the Home Office in the United Kingdom. A piece of advise, just because you are enrolling your biometrics does not mean you have been granted a visa. This is no longer the case, nowadays. It is just a requirement from the Home Office point of view.

Foreign Nationals Biometric Residence Permit. If you received a barcoded biometric notification letter from the Home Office, you are required to enroll your biometric within 15 working days (it means it does not include Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays). The timeframe is very strict as failure to enrol this makes your application rejected as invalid.

Helpful Tips:

To make your visit as quick as possible, we recommend that you visit on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, as this is when they’re quietest.

Here are some tips to help you save time:

  1. Check if your preferred branch is one of our high demand branches and use the link below to find the nearest less busy alternatives
  2. Avoid Saturdays and Mondays if you can, as these are their busiest days.

Click to access foreign-nationals-biometric-residence-permit-larger-booths.pdf


Categories: Uncategorized

8 replies »

  1. Very helpful bedford post office in exeter theres so much direction what to do and at the end it will send you to the wring place my God it takes time to find what you need and what you look for. If you have heart problem dont ring the office cause you will have a heart attack. All we need is someone direct to ask and tell you whats best just to make it simple and easy for people.

  2. Crawley postoffice says that system for biometrics not working in whole UK.
    What can we do now and how long we will have to wait as there is 15 days deadline.

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